Mission Statement
Our mission is to minister with young women through study, prayer, worship and counseling to bring about restoration, deliverance and forgiveness.
Our Mantra/Prayer
May God bless the woman deep within me. The woman I'm trying to be. May He mend where my heart is broken and fill every empty space. May God erase the fears of my past, to create in me a brighter future. May He make me slow to anger and quick to forgive.
I cover myself, my family and my possessions with the blood of Jesus. Let the fire of God surround and protect my life from all destructions. I rebuke all spirits of torment and fear because I have peace through the blood of Jesus. I rebuke and cast out all spirits of guilt, shame and condemnation through the blood of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, I will think the thoughts of God.I will dream with God. No longer will I consider myself the least or the smallest because of my past deeds, guilt and bad decisions. I forgive myself and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I thank you Lord, that You are an extraordinary God and You will accomplish extraordinary things through me. I release myself from every self-imposed limitation. I break every limitation that the enemy has placed upon my life and has kept me from reaching my full potential .
Heavenly Father, into your hands I place my worries, my cares and my troubles. Into Your wisdom, I place my path, my direction and my goal. Into Your love, I place my life.
Join us every second Friday
of each month from 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Refreshments served afterwards. Can't find a babysitter? Bring your kids if you need to; there will be snacks, entertainment and supervision while you fly higher in a judgment free, confidential zone!
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